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Best Practices When Developing Serious Games For Your L&D Strategy

Matthew Lynch

In recent years, incorporating serious games into Learning and Development (L&D) strategies has become an increasingly popular trend. Serious games are games designed for a primary purpose other than pure entertainment, such as education, training, health improvement, or social change. They are a compelling tool for engaging employees in learning activities. Here are some best practices to consider when developing serious games for your L&D strategy.

1.Align Game Design with Learning Objectives:The most crucial step in creating an effective serious game is to ensure that the game’s design directly supports the learning objectives you want to achieve. The game should be tailored to teach specific skills or knowledge and have clear goals that align with wider L&D strategies.

2.Involve Subject Matter Experts (SMEs):To ensure that the content is accurate and relevant, work closely with SMEs from the beginning of the development process. Their insights will help create a game that not only engages but also educates the players effectively.

3.Focus on Engagement:The game needs to be fun and engaging for it to be an effective learning tool. Use storytelling, interesting characters, challenges, and rewards to keep learners motivated and interested in progressing through the game.

4.Provide Immediate Feedback:In-game feedback is essential for learning. It should inform players about what they are doing correctly or incorrectly as soon as possible, allowing them to adjust their actions and understand the consequences of their decisions within the game context.

5.Encourage Collaborative Play:When appropriate, include elements that promote collaboration among players. This can enhance problem-solving skills and allows for knowledge sharing, fostering a collaborative learning environment.

6.Ensure Accessibility:Make sure the game is accessible to all potential users, taking into account different abilities and providing options for customizing the experience as needed (e.g., subtitles for audio elements, different levels of difficulty).

7.Test Thoroughly:Before rolling out a serious game as part of your L&D program, thoroughly test it with a sample of your target audience. This will help you identify any technical issues or areas where the gameplay might not effectively convey the educational content.

8.Measure Effectiveness:Incorporate methods to measure the effectiveness of your serious game in achieving its learning objectives. Use analytics tools to track progress and assess knowledge retention.

9.Provide Ongoing Support:Don’t consider your work done after launch; offer ongoing support to aid learner engagement. Be ready to make updates based on feedback or changes in learning goals or competencies.

By following these best practices when developing serious games for your L&D strategy, you can significantly enhance employee engagement in training programs and improve learning outcomes effectively and enjoyably.