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The World Is Your Office: Getting Enterprise Mobility Right

Matthew Lynch
Higher Education

In the wake of rapid technological advancement and a global pandemic, the concept of the traditional office has been turned on its head. As businesses adapt to an ever-changing landscape, the notion that work can be conducted from practically anywhere has taken root, giving rise to what many are calling enterprise mobility.
At its core, enterprise mobility is about leveraging technology to enable employees to work effectively from any location. It capitalizes on cloud computing, smartphones, laptops, and a suite of collaboration tools to ensure that physical presence in an office is no longer necessary for productivity.
However, with this flexibility comes a unique set of challenges that businesses must address to get enterprise mobility right.
Security: One of the top concerns with employees accessing corporate data offsite is security. Companies must implement robust security protocols such as VPNs, two-factor authentication, and encryption to safeguard sensitive information.
Connectivity: A mobile workforce requires stable and speedy internet connections. Investment in portable Wi-Fi devices or ensuring that employees have access to high-quality connections is crucial.
Device Management: Keeping track of company devices and ensuring they are up-to-date with the latest software can be daunting. Establishing clear policies for device management helps protect both the employee and the company.
Collaboration Tools: Utilizing effective communication tools consolidates different aspects of work and encourages seamless collaboration. Examples include project management software, video conferencing systems, and instant messaging platforms.
Training & Support: Employees need adequate training on how to use these new tools efficiently as well as ongoing support when they encounter issues.
Businesses that successfully integrate these elements into their operational strategies will find enterprise mobility an overwhelmingly positive move. Not only does it reduce overhead costs associated with physical office spaces, but it also boosts employee satisfaction by offering a better work-life balance.
To get enterprise mobility right, companies must plan meticulously and adopt a culture open to change. The world is indeed your office now, but only if you lay the groundwork for effective mobile enterprise operations.