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  • 7504 Cutting Ave., Orland, CA 95963
  • +1 (530) 865-1222
  • cjuesd.org

Overview of Capay Joint Union Elementary:

Capay Joint Union Elementary contains 1 Schools and 199 learners. The district’s minority enrollment is 40%. Also, 50.8% of learners are low-income.

Teachers at Capay Joint Union Elementary

Within Capay Joint Union Elementary, 100.0% of teachers are licensed, and 88.9% have three or more years of experience. The learner-to-teacher ratio is lower than the state average, at 22:1. The district has an unspecified number of full-time counselors on staff.

Test Scores at Capay Joint Union Elementary:

In Capay Joint Union Elementary, 52% of elementary learners tested above or at the proficient level for reading, and 52% tested above or at that level for math. Also, 52% of middle School learners tested above or at the proficient level for reading, and 52% tested above or at that level for math. And there is no data on the number of high School learners that tested above or at the proficient level for reading, and there is no data on the number that tested above or at that level for math.

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