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Best Colleges and Universities in the World for Planetary Astronomy and Science

Matthew Lynch
Worlds Best Colleges and Universities

Planetary astronomy and science is an interesting field of study that involves exploring the various planets, their moons, asteroids, and other bodies in the solar system. To become a skilled planetary astronomer and scientist, you need to start with quality education from a reputable institution. There are several top colleges and universities worldwide that offer outstanding programs in planetary astronomy and science.

1. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

MIT is a reputable institution known for providing quality education in different areas of study, including planetary astronomy and science. The institution offers an undergraduate program in planetary sciences that focuses on the study of planets, moons, asteroids, and comets. The coursework covers topics like geophysics, spectroscopy, and remote sensing. The graduate program in planetary science emphasizes research by providing opportunities to work with faculty members on various NASA missions.

2. California Institute of Technology (Caltech)

Caltech is another top institution that offers excellent programs in planetary astronomy and science. The institution has a Centre for Planetary Astronomy that offers undergraduate and graduate programs in planetary sciences. Students can take courses in topics such as planetary geology, astrophysics, and atmospheric sciences. Caltech’s planetary science program emphasizes research, providing students with opportunities to work on NASA missions and participate in the development of new space technologies.

3. University of Arizona

The University of Arizona offers an undergraduate program in planetary sciences and a graduate program in planetary geology and geophysics. UArizona has a planetary science research center, which is one of the largest and most comprehensive in the world. In addition to coursework, students can participate in research projects that are funded by NASA and other space agencies.

4. University of California, Berkeley

UC Berkeley offers an undergraduate program in planetary sciences with a strong emphasis on research opportunities. The coursework covers topics like planetary geology, astrochemistry, and astrobiology. The institution also has a graduate program in astronomy that focuses on planetary sciences. Students receive training in laboratory techniques, data analysis, and computer modeling.

5. University of Colorado Boulder

The University of Colorado Boulder has a planetary science and astrobiology program that offers undergraduate and graduate degrees. The program emphasizes research in planetary geology, atmospheric sciences, and astrobiology. Students have opportunities to participate in NASA missions, work on research projects funded by the National Science Foundation, and participate in internships at NASA centers.

6. University of Michigan

The University of Michigan offers undergraduate and graduate programs in planetary science. The undergraduate program combines coursework from different disciplines, including geology, physics, and astronomy. The graduate program focuses on research and offers opportunities to participate in NASA missions, simulate planetary environments in the laboratory, and conduct fieldwork on Earth’s analogs.

7. Harvard University

Harvard University offers an undergraduate program and a graduate program in astronomy with a focus on planetary sciences. The coursework covers topics like planetary atmospheres, planet formation, and astrobiology. Students have opportunities to work with faculty members on Space Missions conducted by NASA, the European Space Agency, and other space agencies.


The above-listed colleges and universities are some of the best institutions in the world for studying planetary astronomy and science. They offer quality education with emphasis on research and provide excellent opportunities for students to work on NASA missions and participate in the development of new space technologies. Choose any of these institutions for a promising career in planetary sciences.