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Author: EdRater

What Does a Chief Technology Officer Do in Schools?
What Does a Chief Technology Officer Do in Schools?
Only recently have educational organizations adopted the practice of using "c-level" titles for those in management positions. The superintendent of schools is typically recognized as the chief executive officer (CEO); that individual
What is Teacher Certification or Teacher Licensure?
What is Teacher Certification or Teacher Licensure?
This is a document that teachers are required to have in order to practice. They can get it to teach within a specific area after completing required degrees, coursework, tests, and other particular criteria. Teachers can become certified
So You Want to Attend Graduate School: The 411 on Grad School Admissions...
So You Want to Attend Graduate School: The 411 on Grad School Admissions Tests
Applying for admission to professional and graduate schools is no less competitive than college/undergraduate admissions. If you're planning to pursue a degree in business, law, medicine, or graduate studies, you can bet that one of the
14 Strategies to Help Students Improve Their Critical Thinking...
14 Strategies to Help Students Improve Their Critical Thinking Skills
Are you looking for strategies to help students improve their critical thinking skills? If so, keep reading. 1. Provide the learner duties that require logical thinking (e.g., designate the learner to water plants and give a watering
8 Ways To Improve Your Child’s Memory Power
8 Ways To Improve Your Child’s Memory Power
Are you looking for strategies to improve your child’s memory power? If so, keep reading. Get the learner to highlight or summarize information that should be remembered.Get the learner to repeat to themselves info just heard to help
9 Tips To Keep Kids Organized During Distance Learning
9 Tips To Keep Kids Organized During Distance Learning
Are you looking for ways to keep your students organized during distance learning? If so, keep reading. Give sufficient transition time between learning activities for the learner to organize their learning materials.Teach the learner
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