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A Training Manager’s Guide To What Rapid eLearning Is And What It’s Not

Matthew Lynch

In the era of fast-paced business environments, training managers constantly seek efficient ways to upskill and reskill their workforce. Rapid eLearning emerges as a beacon of speed and agility in workplace learning, but misconceptions abound. It is imperative to delineate what rapid eLearning is and what it is not.
Rapid eLearning is a streamlined process of designing and deploying courses. It’s synonymous with swift development cycles, employing tools that require minimal technical expertise. Training managers should see rapid eLearning as a method that facilitates quick response to training needs, leveraging pre-built templates and intuitive authoring tools.
What Rapid eLearning Is:
1. Quick to Develop: Rapid eLearning cuts down the development time from months to weeks or even days.
2. Cost-Efficient: It reduces development costs due to less reliance on technical experts and more on in-house resources.
3. Scalable: Designed for pressing needs, it allows for easy updating and repurposing of content.
4. User-Friendly: Intuitive designing tools mean subject matter experts can directly contribute without deep technical knowledge of instructional design.
5. Flexible: It’s suited for quickly changing industries where training content must frequently adapt.
6. Practical: Focuses on the immediate application of knowledge, ideal for just-in-time learning interventions.
What Rapid eLearning Is Not:
1. Poor Quality: Speed does not compromise quality when using the right tools and planning effectively.
2. A Replacement for all Training: While rapid, it isn’t suitable for complex subjects requiring in-depth analysis or extended learning paths.
3. Only Tech-Oriented: Despite digital delivery, rapid eLearning can address diverse topics beyond technology.
In conclusion, rapid eLearning stands as an agile response to the continuous learning demands in businesses today. Training managers should harness its strengths—speed, cost-efficiency, scalability—and respect its boundaries to ensure their teams remain competitive and well-informed without sidelining thoroughness and quality. By understanding what rapid eLearning can realistically achieve, organizations can strategically blend it into their overall training strategy for maximum impact.