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4 Killer Examples Of Using Mobile Apps In Corporate Training

Matthew Lynch
Higher Education

Incorporating mobile apps into corporate training programs offers innovative, flexible, and efficient ways to enhance the learning experience for employees. Here are 4 killer examples of how mobile apps can be leveraged in corporate training:
1. Microlearning Apps: Microlearning focuses on delivering content in small, specific bursts that are easy to digest and remember. Apps like `Quizlet` or `MindTickle` allow employees to learn on-the-go by engaging in short, interactive lessons during their commute or coffee break. By breaking down complex concepts into bite-sized lessons, these apps ensure greater retention of information and cater to the modern attention span.
2. Gamification for Engagement: Using apps like `Kahoot!` and `GamEffective`, corporate training becomes a fun and competitive experience. Gamification elements such as points, leaderboards, and badges introduce a playful aspect to learning that can drive engagement, motivate learners, and reinforce knowledge through repetition in a game-like setting.
3. Virtual Reality (VR) Training Apps: For industries requiring hands-on experience or simulation of real-life scenarios, VR apps offer an immersive learning environment without the risks associated with on-the-job training. Applications such as `Strivr` give employees the opportunity to practice their skills in a virtual spaceā€”be it a retail worker managing a store or a health professional conducting a medical procedure.
4. Social Learning Platforms: Mobile platforms like `EdApp` foster social learning by allowing users to interact with peers through discussion forums and share insights or ask questions about the training material. These apps create an online community of learners who can collaborate and learn from one another’s experiences, thereby enriching the collective knowledge base.
By tapping into these mobile applications, businesses are not only enabling flexible learning but also capturing data on employee progress and identifying areas for improvement. This data-driven approach ensures that corporate training is not just a one-time event but an ongoing process tailored to meet the ever-evolving needs of both the organization and its workforce.