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3 Instructional Design Trends That Will Stand The Test Of Time

Matthew Lynch
Higher Education

Instructional design is a steadily evolving field, shaped by educational research, technological advancements, and the changing needs of learners. Despite constant change, some trends in instructional design have shown they are here to stay. These trends not only align with the foundational theories of how people learn but also demonstrate adaptability to future innovations. Here are three instructional design trends that will stand the test of time:
The concept of microlearning revolves around delivering content in small, specific bursts that learners can easily consume and remember. This approach taps into the modern learner’s desire for education that fits into their fast-paced lifestyle. Given that attention spans are becoming shorter and access to information is ubiquitous, microlearning caters perfectly to the need for quick learning. It can stand the test of time as it’s adaptable across various technologies and media, from text and images to short videos.
Personalized Learning
Tailoring educational experiences to individual needs, skills, and interests is at the heart of personalized learning. It encompasses adaptive learning technologies that adjust content based on a learner’s performance in real-time. The rise of artificial intelligence and data analytics has enabled more sophisticated personalized learning paths that respond to the learner’s pace and style of learning. This trend has its roots in constructivist theories which suggest that people build knowledge best through experiences that are relevant to them.
Incorporating game-like elements into non-game contexts — gamification — makes learning more engaging and motivates learners by tapping into their innate desires for competition, achievement, and recognition. Well-designed gamified experiences have been demonstrated to improve retention and apply knowledge in practical situations effectively. Given the human psychological affinity for games and challenges, this trend is expected to remain relevant, continually being refreshed with new gaming innovations.
In conclusion, while instructional design will continue to be marked by new tools and approaches, microlearning, personalized learning, and gamification are three trends with enduring qualities. They meet at the intersection of technology and pedagogy where learners are continually seeking engaging, flexible, and individualized educational experiences.