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13 Activities To Add To Your Microlearning Library

Matthew Lynch
Education Leadership

Microlearning has become a popular approach to education and training, providing learners with short, focused learning nuggets that are easy to digest and retain. By incorporating microlearning activities into your training library, you can enhance engagement and learning outcomes. Here are thirteen activities to consider adding to your microlearning library:
1. Interactive Videos: Create short, interactive videos that allow users to engage with the content by making decisions or answering questions.
2. Infographics: Design vibrant infographics that summarize key concepts or data points for quick reference and memory aids.
3. Flashcards: Develop a series of digital flashcards for learners to test their knowledge of terms, definitions, or concepts.
4. Mini-Assessments: Craft short quizzes or assessments that let learners test their understanding of a topic immediately after learning about it.
5. Podcasts: Record brief audio segments on specific topics that learners can listen to on-the-go for reinforcement or new learning.
6. Interactive E-books: Offer bite-sized e-books with clickable elements for in-depth exploration of a topic in a compact format.
7. Simulations: Use simple simulations or scenario-based activities that allow learners to apply knowledge in a virtual environment.
8. Checklists: Provide checklists for procedures or processes that learners can use to ensure they’re applying steps correctly.
9. Branching Scenarios: Design small branching scenarios where choices lead to different outcomes, teaching the learner through experience and reflection.
10. Mobile Learning Apps: Utilize apps designed for smartphones that facilitate learning through games, quizzes, or interactive lessons.
11. Job Aids: Create handy one-pagers or reference guides that provide just-in-time information directly applicable to tasks at hand.
12. Brain Teasers/Games: Incorporate puzzles, brain teasers, or other games that relate directly back to the subject matter taught.
13. Discussion Prompts: Have a series of thought-provoking questions or prompts that encourage reflection and sharing in online forums or during team meetings.
By integrating these diverse microlearning activities into your educational programs, you can cater to different learning styles and keep content fresh and engaging for all of your learners.