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10 Reasons to Attend Maharishi University of Management (mum.edu)

Matthew Lynch
Higher Education

1. Transcendental Meditation

Maharishi University of Management offers a unique focus on Transcendental Meditation, providing students with a valuable tool for reducing stress, increasing focus, and enhancing overall well-being.

2. Consciousness-Based Education

At MUM, education goes beyond traditional approaches. Consciousness-Based Education integrates academic knowledge with personal development, fostering creativity, self-awareness, and critical thinking skills.

3. Sustainability

MUM takes sustainability seriously, aiming to be a carbon-neutral campus by 2020. The university offers programs in Sustainable Living and Regenerative Agriculture, empowering students to become agents of positive change.

4. Innovative Programs

MUM offers a range of innovative programs, including Computer Science, Media and Communications, Business, and Vedic Studies. These programs provide students with relevant skills and knowledge to excel in their chosen fields.

5. Global Student Community

MUM attracts students from around the world, creating a diverse and vibrant community. Engaging with peers from different cultures and backgrounds enriches the learning experience and promotes global understanding.

6. Campus Facilities

The MUM campus boasts state-of-the-art facilities, including modern classrooms, labs, art studios, and a meditation center. These resources support a conducive learning environment for students.

7. Internship and Job Placement Support

MUM has dedicated career services that assist students in finding internships and job opportunities. The university maintains connections with a wide network of industry partners and employers.

8. Faculty Expertise

MUM faculty members are experts in their respective fields and are committed to providing high-quality education. They bring real-world experience and knowledge, ensuring students receive an excellent education.

9. Community Engagement

MUM encourages students to actively engage in the local community through service initiatives. Opportunities to contribute to social causes and make a positive impact are readily available.

10. Quality of Life

Fairfield, Iowa, where MUM is located, offers a high quality of life. The town is known for its friendly atmosphere, abundant nature, and opportunities for outdoor recreation.