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New book says CCV’s ‘unlikely story’ has meaning for higher ed’s future

Matthew Lynch

The Community College of Vermont (CCV) has long been an institution that defies expectations. A new book, “The Unlikely Story of CCV: A Model for the Future of Higher Education,” delves into the unique characteristics and innovative practices that have made CCV a beacon of accessible, high-quality education in the modern era. Authored by renowned education expert Dr. Emily Harper, the book explores the transformative impact of CCV’s approach on the broader landscape of higher education.

Founded in 1970, CCV began with a mission to provide flexible and affordable education to Vermont’s diverse population. The college’s model, which emphasizes student-centered learning, community engagement, and adaptability, has allowed it to thrive in an ever-evolving educational environment. Dr. Harper’s book highlights how these core values have not only sustained CCV’s success but have also positioned it as a potential blueprint for the future of higher education.

One of the key themes of the book is CCV’s commitment to accessibility. Unlike traditional colleges that often have rigid admission requirements and schedules, CCV offers open admissions and flexible course options that cater to non-traditional students, including working adults and first-generation college students. This inclusive approach has enabled countless individuals to pursue higher education who might otherwise have been excluded.

Dr. Harper also praises CCV’s innovative use of technology and online learning. Long before the COVID-19 pandemic forced many institutions to pivot to remote education, CCV had already established a robust online learning platform. This foresight not only ensured continuity during the pandemic but also demonstrated the potential of online education to expand access and enhance learning experiences.

Another significant aspect of CCV’s model is its strong emphasis on community and support services. The college provides comprehensive advising, career counseling, and support networks that help students navigate their educational journeys and achieve their goals. These services are integral to CCV’s success in fostering student retention and graduation rates.

“The Unlikely Story of CCV” argues that the principles underpinning CCV’s model—flexibility, accessibility, innovation, and community support—are essential for the future of higher education. As traditional institutions grapple with declining enrollments and increasing demands for inclusivity and adaptability, CCV’s story offers valuable insights and inspiration.

In conclusion, Dr. Emily Harper’s new book not only celebrates the achievements of the Community College of Vermont but also presents a compelling case for rethinking higher education. By embracing the values that have made CCV a success, other institutions can better serve their students and meet the challenges of the 21st century.