St. Joachim Elementary School is a private, Catholic school situated in Cadet, MO. It serves 54 learners in grade levels PK, K-8 with a learner-teacher ratio of 11 to 1.
Overview of Kingston Primary: Kingston Primary is a public school situated in Cadet, MO, which is in a distant rural environment. The learner population of Kingston Primary is 215, and the school has PK-2. The learner-teacher ratio is 12:1, which is better than that of the district
Overview of Kingston Elem.: Kingston Elem. is a public school situated in Cadet, MO, which is in a distant rural environment. The learner population of Kingston Elem. is 186, and the school has 3-5. At Kingston Elem., 67% of learners scored above or at the proficient level for math, and 67% scored
Overview of Kingston Middle: Kingston Middle is a public school situated in Cadet, MO, which is in a distant rural environment. The learner population of Kingston Middle is 198, and the school has 6-8. At Kingston Middle, 42% of learners scored above or at the proficient level for math, and 52%