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Bottle Rocket Experiment: How-To Plus Free Worksheet

Matthew Lynch


Experiments that blend fun with education are always a hit, and the Bottle Rocket Experiment is no exception. This hands-on activity teaches principles of physics and chemistry, captivating both children and adults alike. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to conduct the experiment, along with a free worksheet to track observations and results.

Materials Needed

– Empty plastic bottle (2-liter recommended)
– Baking soda
– Vinegar
– Cork or rubber stopper
– Baking soda holder (tissue paper or a small plastic bag)
– Launch pad (optional: a piece of cardboard or a stand)
– Safety goggles


1.Preparation: Start by donning safety goggles and ensuring you have all materials at hand. Conduct the experiment outdoors in an open space to avoid any messes or accidents.

2.Create the Baking Soda Packet: Place a few tablespoons of baking soda in the center of a tissue paper or a small plastic bag. Twist or fold it to form a small packet that can easily fit into the bottle’s neck but won’t immediately mix with the vinegar.

3.Fill the Bottle with Vinegar: Pour about one-third cup of vinegar into the plastic bottle. The exact amount can be adjusted based on the desired reaction strength.

4.Ready for Launch: Quickly but carefully, insert the baking soda packet into the bottle, and immediately seal the bottle with the cork or rubber stopper. Shake the bottle gently to mix the baking soda and vinegar, then place it on the launch pad and step back.

5.Observation: As the vinegar and baking soda react, carbon dioxide gas will build up inside the bottle. This pressure will eventually force the cork out, propelling the bottle upwards like a rocket. Observe the flight and take note of the height and distance traveled.
Free Worksheet

To maximize the educational value of this experiment, we’ve created a free worksheet. This worksheet guides students through the scientific process, including making hypotheses, recording observations, and analyzing results. Download it [here](#) to enhance your learning experience.


The Bottle Rocket Experiment is not only a thrilling activity but also an excellent way to understand chemical reactions and the principles of motion. With safety precautions in place and our free worksheet, it becomes an enriching educational experience for everyone involved.